product overview

Virtual Ward

End-to-end referral, monitoring & discharge of patients on the virtual ward
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Fewer emergency admissions
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Reduced false alarms
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Close monitoring for at-risk patients
Trusted Supplier
NHS approved supplier - vcare systems - provides a critical bridge between different healthcare systemscrown commercial supplier - vcare systems - provides a critical bridge between different healthcare systems

The Virtual Ward

We work with each organisation individually to create a bespoke solution for remote patient management
Camascope remote monitoring device
Step 1
Referral of Patients

Following hospital discharge, patient is onboarded onto the system & assigned to patient group. The patient is provided with the Camascope wearable and kit and trained on how to use the system

Step 2
Multi-Disciplinary team

A bespoke Virtual Ward team is built around an individual patient's needs and the team has access to a patient's remote monitoring info. The team can include consultants, GPs, nurses and other specialists including social prescribing & dieticians

virtual ward vcare systems - provides a critical bridge between different healthcare systemsvirtual ward round vcare systems - provides a critical bridge between different healthcare systemsvirtual ward round vcare systems - provides a critical bridge between different healthcare systemsvirtual ward round vcare systems - provides a critical bridge between different healthcare systemsvirtual ward round vcare systems - provides a critical bridge between different healthcare systems
Step 3
Regular Virtual Ward Rounds

The Virtual Ward team convene remotely to discuss the patient's healthcare needs, based on their period of remote monitoring. Full context of a patient's health, including medicine and vitals, can be seen within the Camascope Remote Patient Monitoring portal.

The virtual rounds facilitate expertise and knowledge-sharing, as well as robust handovers between staff

Step 4
Joint Patient Plans

Follow-up steps are jointly agreed by the Virtual Ward team, with all learnings captured and documented within the Camascope portal. Custom forms can be created for an individual patient or for an entire patient group to fill out periodically, providing much-needed context regarding a patient's health

virtual ward patient plans vcare systems - provides a critical bridge between different healthcare systemsvirtual ward patient plans vcare systems - provides a critical bridge between different healthcare systemsvirtual ward patient plans vcare systems - provides a critical bridge between different healthcare systemsvirtual ward patient plans vcare systems - provides a critical bridge between different healthcare systemsvirtual ward patient plans vcare systems - provides a critical bridge between different healthcare systemsvirtual ward patient plans vcare systems - provides a critical bridge between different healthcare systems
Step 5

Following a final review via virtual consultation, discharge from the Remote Patient Monitoring programme is confirmed with the patient now in a stable condition

Step 6

The Virtual Ward is one of many forms of remote monitoring that can be facilitated through the Camascope platform. The system is being used used in hundreds of care homes and is also being utilised to promote recommended health-related behaviours to help prevent negative healthcare outcomes, such as Type-2 Diabetes.

Why Camascope?

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Medicine & Vitals
Patient Medication Adherence & physiological readings can be seen in a single place
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Video Consultations
Video calls can be held between patient and a clinical team to ensure full support is available during remote monitoring
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Systems Integrations
Solution directly integrates with GP Systems, such as EMIS, removing need for dual-entry
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Remote Monitoring Kit
State of the art kit is pre-configured by the Camascope team to work straight out-the-box
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Custom Escalations
Patients receive custom alert messages when vital signs breach pre-defined parameters
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24/7 Support
Support team are always on hand to help with any questions, 24-hours, 7 days a week
Camascope desktop applicationCamascope laptop applicationCamascope tablet mobile application

Total Patient Context

The Remote Patient Monitoring product brings together different aspects of a patient's health and communicates this in real-time to the relevant people at the right moment.
camascope Benefiting from Digital Medicine Management camascope Benefiting from Digital Medicine Management

Medicines & Vitals in One Place - Why it Matters

“I’ve heard many stories of patients who’ve forgotten to take their insulin and not mentioned it."

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Get In Touch With Us Today

Want to learn more about how Remote Patient Monitoring can transform your organisation? Get in touch with us today to find out more.

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Trusted by the UK's top healthcare institutions
NHS approved supplier - vcare systems - provides a critical bridge between different healthcare systemsCamascope review minster care group
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